Saturday, November 25, 2006

A chocolate Crisis!
Last night's sleepover turned out very well for the Mother/Daughter relationship...but not quite so well for the old bed quilt.

As the photo (hopefully) shows there was a little bit of a tragedy with some chocolate truffles. I'm not sure what is sadder-the empty box or the melted choc on the quilt. Two chocs must have slipped out of the box ...and in the dark and drama of the Little House on the Prairie episode where their baby boy dies and Laura runs away to the mountain to offer herself as a melted on the quilt! I have left it until today to scrape off dry and I am about to start working on it so all the evidence is cleared up before the boys get home!!

The quilt was one of my first and seams seem to come apart everytime I wash it. That's why it is about to be replaced by my Gratitudes and/or the pink and Green Moda you all helped me with. The maroon is the leftover hem of my curtains, the cream is an old Laura Ashley dress and I only bought the black. I've given you a bigger shot to look at my indiscretions!

When we went to the Agricultural Show last week we also visited my 91 year old Grandma in her hostel that is close by. She has dementia and luckily recognised us enough for the kids to be happy. They were selling these cute little button dolls there to raise money and I thought they were so cute they deserved a post.

The quail are continuing along happily as you can see by the little egg, but all is not so well with Yoda the cat. After being introduced to the World on the Net last week he must have decided to retire from the limelight-the paparazzi was proving too much and he has disappeared. We have searched all morning with no luck but I am still hopeful it's just because we hadn't gotten around to that little cosmetic procedure Tomcats require and he will come back after he has found love!

Have a great weekend.Tracey


  1. Uh ohhhh - ordinarily, I would be slovering and salivating at the picture of those chocolates, but am too full of Thanksgiving leftovers. However, I DO recognize a REAL disaster on that quilt -- hope it washes out. The quilt, by the way, is kinda cute, and made up from real leftovers, just like quilts were originally made.

    And when, dear quilter/mom/farmer lady, are we going to see YOUR picture??? If you post your E-Mail we can all help you with the details of Bloggerdom -- uhhh, if that's you excuse,,,uhhh reason for not putting one up.

  2. Love those little button dolls. My grandma also suffered greatly from dementia before she passed. Very hard to deal with...
    The choc on the quilt was probably a good tradeoff for mom & daughter time!

  3. Too bad about the chocolate on the quilt. Hopefully you can most of it off. Sounds like you had a wonderful mom/daughter time.

    Those button dolls are cute. I bet they look good next to your sewing machine.

  4. Quiltss are meant to be used. It's nothing soap and water won't fix. What would life be without Chocolate....and quilts?????

  5. I hope the chocolate doesn't become permanent, but if it does it's just one more story in the life of your quilt. Isn't that the best episode of Little House -- poor Half Pint way up there on the mountain top.

  6. I think that the chocolate incident just shows that this is a real quilt, made with whatever was to hand and made to be used. What better to have to hand when watching 'Little House'?

  7. Uh-oh, Tracey! I hope the chokkie all came out of the lovely quilt!

    Also hope the moggie turns up soon.

  8. For sure these cute buttons dolls deserved a post ! Thanks for showing them !

  9. Oh no! I bet you can get that chocolate off though. I sure hope you don't have a problem. Isn't that episode of Little House so sad. I still always cry!

  10. tracey I love the button dolls. do you think they would be hard to make? they are adorable

  11. Your quilt is lovely! Hope the chocolate all comes out without a problem.

  12. Those button dolls are amazing. Very cute. I might have to try to make something like that.


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