Monday, November 06, 2006

Baby Days......

Yesterday's visit with my pregnant niece got me looking through some old baby quilts for ideas today. The first two pictured were made for fun and are in the present stash for just those right babies whose Mother's will appreciate them and not necessarily use them as a "mat"!! The third is a pink and cream creation, lovingly made for my much-loved sister's, now 18 m.o, girl. I just knew this was a girl so it only needed to be bound the night I got the word and was delivered on my niece's first actual morning. She has never slept under anything else in her cot.

The fourth was a charity quilt, donated as a raffle prize for our local nursing mother's organisation. Is that a service available in other countries!- women voluntarily trained in breastfeeding techniques and tips who offer helplines, morning coffees, info. sessions and support for all mothers? We have the formal hospital stuff but this is a bit of a sisterhood of support. Works very well but I have recently resigned from my roles, those days were getting distant.

I think it will be similar to the pink and cream for my niece with perhaps some added pastels, if it's a boy it will be all brights, making those is always fun. I suppose I now have to add that to Nov. goals as she is only 6 weeks away.

No sewing again today, 10 friends for lunch ended up getting me nearly through to bus time and daughter was home again with the giardia. Hoping that goes away soon, she's missing lots of School with these relapses.
Very overcast here all day but didn't deliver...again. Have a great day. tracey


  1. Hmmm... that first quilt photo does not have red lines through it but I am not even going to attempt to redo pictures!

  2. They do have something like that in the US - not sure what it is called though... They also have Doulas which I think are to help with delivery.

    Nice quilts. I like the purple & green one.

  3. No matter what you pick for the new baby, it will be special *s*

  4. Cute, cute, cute ! Baby quilts are sooooo nice to make. I love them all !
    I'm sure you'll make something very special;....

    Hugs and smiles,


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