Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Now ...back to quilting

I had an exciting mail delivery today, my fabric swatches arrived from the Fabric Club I recently joined. I officially joined it so I could get the 10% dicount on my Birthday Moda quilt fabrics, but I secretly joined it so every month I'd get 10 -5" fabric swatches, and here they are...
mmm What to do, lose them in the stash every month or make something with them as soon as they arrive, what do you think? Anyway they are washed and ironed (Do you do that with swatches or just risk it?) and I'm thinking about them.
Hub is soooo busy cutting all the crops down. I'm not sure I gave you that update-this last weekend's frost was like snow and that..as they say..is that. I'm sure he will show up tonight, just don't know when! So I may get to do a little sewing done in the coming evenings-I generally try not to if he's home as his love language is 'quality time' and (fortunately) he likes to spend it with me,.. and the kids of course. I am actually giving up my monthly quilters for him on Friday. A sacrifice only you girls would fully understand!! Mum and Dad are having the kids for the night so we can have date night before he heads away contract harvesting, he asked for this to happen and I organized it, without realizing it was quilting!!!!He now knows and said I can go to quilters instead because he knows how much it means, but I know how much he means....

I made the included wall hanging for a fete, then kept it, I love how it sums up families.

Some possible November goals:
1. Finish Zara's Advent Calendar
2. Finish George's Baby blanket.
3. Finish Moda florals and bind!!
4. Chooks for open Garden Trading table.
5. Make Judy's 1 hour a day quilt for November.
6. Red and white star quilt top pieced.
7. Quilter's Christmas Buddy gift.
8. Christmas Table runner at least worked out.
9. Daughter's doll started for Christmas.

Joy in Daily Living today is that we have finally worked out the Christmas Eve program for Sunday School and it looks far easier than the super spectacular I nearly went bald over last year!!
Also, how do I get cute coloured letters, etc on my blog? Enjoy your day.


  1. First a question: What is contract harvesting? Sounds like someone pays him to harvest their crops... But if he is doing his own, how does he have time to do someone elses - aren't they very time sensitive? very curious.

    Second, I live the embroidered block, especially seeing how you quilted it!

  2. I always pick my family first -- a choice that puzzles some women I know. I think it's the secret to a happy life *s*

  3. Tracey, just back from Houston where I met a few Aussies buying fabric like crazy!!

    your quilt came out absolutely fabulous. your additions of the triangles in the corners definitely made it the "belle of the ball"!

    enjoy date nite!! it's always nice to rekindle the romance and remember what it was like before the kiddies!! not that you don't love them but it all started with your DH and you


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