Friday, June 26, 2009

Back... with 3 baby quilts.

Hello, hello, can anyone hear me, is this thing on??
Probably more to the point is anyone out there after a 2 week break?

Unavoidable, family life called louder than the computer-funerals, lots of sorting out, flu for me, tonsillitis for my girl, a tummy wog for my boy, a DH who needed time and sleep and a birthday party for a dozen 9 year olds. A slightly typical(?) or not, mother's fortnight.

The one slightly good thing about the flu was that it was a bit of a slow recovery so sewing seemed the best choice. A few quick and easy baby quilts to catch up on my present giving.

Love this tractor panel fabric for a little boy farm baby. I think it was from equilter, that or hancocks.

It's joined on the fence by another little chenille and cotton baby quilt. This one is pink John Deere! Perfect for a little girl farm baby.

Here's a closeup, isn't it cute fabric. I bought it at a field day, but have seen it, I think, at equilter.

These are the backs. I just reverse the fronts, so have a white one side, a pink john Deere the other. If people for any reason don't like the shaggy look they could use it this way.

This last one is for Clancy's little brother, Sydney. His Mum likes bright..luckily!
I think this is mostly equilter as well... I like the farm alphabet blocks.
I know everyone likes birthday cake ideas, so here is today's pirate ship effort. The candles were meant to look slightly like a burning deck, the big candle is the cannon, polly pocket was sacrificed as the model who is on the front of the boat, a han solo figure is the pirate and the sail are pictures of the boy, he was happy!
Hope everyone is well, I am hoping to start on the bloglines soon and begin to catch up!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Feeding time

On a happy note...
Feeding time at our zoo...I really don't have enough hands for 7 babies!

An almost newsworthy set of twins..
On a sadder note...
RIP to Grandma. A very tough 3 week journey at it's end.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Two more finishes.

The Lone Star finish got me in the mood, so in between working on bushfire quilts and chasing sheep I have finished another couple of UFOs.

We celebrated my older niece's 4th birthday today, she received her big girl quilt to go along with her book I showed last post. I made a matching one of these for her doll's bed as well.

I also finished this little baby quilt/throw. It is made from Fig and Plum charm squares and about a half a yard of coordinating green, with the cream binding. There are cream daisies (in the binding colour) appliqued on. I was bored with this just as squares and had sat it aside...(a fatal mistake here!), then visited Anne Ida's blog and her daisies were just the inspiration I needed! They need a green button in the centre yet.
I just backed it in cosy polar so the appliquing is the quilting, I did it in a light pink to make the back as useable as the front.
I tried a different binding, just because the nights are lonely!! I folded the binding strip in half and ironed the fold down. Then folded each side under and pressed, then sewed through all layers onto the quilt. Very quick and easy for a basic blanket.
Took some more pictures of the quilts before they diasappeared, with my some of my favourite props. Did you notice the pink one has a little daisy in the right bottom corner, this is because I put the scissors through the sashing when i was cutting off threads this morning!! I have decided to keep some of the pink dot material aside, I told my sister we can add a daisy every time a texta is left open on it, paper scissors go astray or it is jumped on and the seams come loose... I wonder how many daisies will end up on the quilt in the next 6 years?????!!!
My mother-in-law is entering her 3rd week of struggle, the medication is finally keeping her peaceful.
Have a good day...and happy pretend birthday to the Queen today, my kids enjoyed your Monday holiday to visit their cousins and see "A night at the Museum 2" which we all thoroughly enjoyed."

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Do it now!

Oh, I am sad! And it feels strange, I only knew this person through the blog but learning of her passing is still awful.
I have been calling in at "what's happening with Carol" for a few weeks to see how she was going and there were no updates on this fantastic young quilter, mother and teacher's cancer battle, so i decided to comment and tell her we wanted an update -and the news of her passing was in the comments. She didn't seem to have long after finding out.
The reason I have entitled this, "do it now" is because so many times I think, "i should send a card, or I should visit/ring that person and tell them what a good job they've done /how I appreciate them/that they are in my prayers"... and sometimes I do, and sometimes I find I wait a few extra days and life gets busy then i forget and they are gone..or sad..or troubled.. and I am really sorry I didn't "do it now!" Making the time for people when you think about it is the only way to ensure your life isn't about regrets..
I have a lovely friend, and it's funny, but when i ring her she almost always says, 'do you know I was just thinking of you'...we know it's time!
Well, when I initially read of Carol's diagnosis I contacted her and sent some of my cards and some books for Maya...and anyone who has one my prizes knows that getting straight to posting is not my forte!.. they were posted the next day and I had a lovely email or two from Carol, that i now know were followed closely by her hospitalization. I am just so glad i took the time to connect, but still very sad at the senseless loss....
On another, gift related note, Julie at bush Baby jag, just received a long lost Easter swap parcel that had inexplicably been found with other items next to the Brisbane River! This is a good lesson for all of us to place our gifts in a zip lock plastic bag with the address on it, before sealing in the paper envelope...double protection....
have a good day, Tracey

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ripe tomato chutney recipe.

Finally, the Ripe tomato chutney recipe!

4 lbs of tomatoes

1 lb apples

3 lb onions

3 lb sugar

1/2 lb sultanas

1/2 lb currants

1 tblsp salt

1 teasp cayenne pepper

1/2 teasp mixed spice

2 tblsp cloves tied in a muslin bag.

and....GOOD QUALITY at least 2 litre plus quantities

(* I usually double this chutney recipe when i make it, as it makes the time spent cooking more worthwhile. I just turn all the pounds into kg quantities and double any "spoon" quatinties.)

Peel your tomatoes, cut up onions and apples, (small). Put all mixture in a big pan together and cover with vinegar.

( Voice of experience...not enough vinegar means it goes a sweeter, almost jam like arrangement-my friends liked this, my fussy family did not. Too much vinegar just means it takes longer to boil down, and would of course, slightly reduce the sweetness. My family and MIL told me to err on the vinegary side.)

My MIL's recipe says boil together for 2-3 hours. well, perhaps hers took a long time to get to the boil, but on my last double batch I think it may have simmered away on the stove for closer to 8 hours.

Seal hot in hot sterilized jars. Great on meats, in quiches, cheese and chutney sandwiches..etc, etc

My final brew looked like this....

And the half way along progress shot is a couple of posts back.

I have been playing with children's book writing. I am combining my vast collection of photos with coming up with the perfect book for some of my favourite small children.

My little Clancy,who smiles at me and puts his arms out to me at Church, has a new baby brother and he is also fixated on farm life so this is his big brother present. I just did that one in a display book as it needed to be handed over.
I have done another one for my niece's 4th birthday, based on her favourite " D*** the Explorer" television show.

It is all about the search for her missing "Quilty", at all her relatives places. Quilty is the quilt I made her when she was born that she has to sleep with. I have laminated this one and am getting it bound tomorrow.
No improvement with my MIL, Dh doing night 10.
Have a good day, Tracey